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Citations for Episode 2

Here are some links and citations to the articles and books that Caroline and I discussed during today's episode.

The Epistolary Renaissance

Frances Burney Letter

Bray, Joe. 2020. "The Tensions of Jane Austen's Epistolary Style." In Romanticism and the Letter, edited by Madeleine Callaghan and Anthony Howe, 133–46. Palgrave Studies in the Enlightenment, Romanticism, and Cultures of Print. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan (London).

Picture by Viktoria Bradley (March 2021)


Parker, Deven M. "Epistolary Form in the Age of the Post Office." SEL Studies in English Literature 1500-1900 59, no. 3 (2019): 625-645. doi:10.1353/sel.2019.0028.

Opreanu, Lucia. 2019. "Word Havens: Reading One's Way out of Trauma in Contemporary Fiction." University of Bucharest Review: Literary & Cultural Studies Series 9 (2): 93–102.

AŞCI, Yasemin. 2020. “Letter Tradition and Epistolary Novel in American Literature.” Journal of International Social Research 13 (74): 5–12. doi:10.17719/jisr.11210.

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